Sensory Friendly Schools

How to create a Sensory Friendly SchoolImage result

In the school world, we are currently using a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) model to address the needs of students including sensory needs.  We are all sensory beings. We use our senses throughout the day everyday. In school, we need sensory input to help us maintain an appropriate level of alertness in order to learn. 

Tier One 

- Movement Breaks - almost all of my classroom engage in some type of movement break. Many of them use Go Noodle, which is a website that has dance videos/songs for children.

Image result for go noodle images

- Flexible Seating - several of my classrooms are set up in a way that students may complete their individual or small group work in various areas of the classroom with different types of seating. The various types of seating include - sitting on the floor, laying on the floor, kneeling, standing, siting on a therapy ball or a core/stability stool, etc.

Tier two

Consider the needs of the student such as being over-stimulated versus under-stimulated. Provide students with jobs that helps them stay regulated such as taking the library books to the media center, delivering a message or note to a teacher, helping pass out snack, helping clean/wipe down tables, having him/her run a quick lap between subjects, helping move the chairs in the morning, use of a study carrel, etc. This student may also benefit from the use of a calm box with such things as hand fidgets, putty, items that help them calm, cards/visuals for taking deep breaths and counting, etc.

Image result for calm box
Image result for study carrel
Study Carrel

Tier Three

Consult with the Occupational Therapist. This student may need sensory supports/strategies such as theraband wrapped around the legs of his/her chair, use of a mov'n sit cushion or dis-co-sit cushion,  weighted lap pad, a chewy topper or chewelry, noise cancelling headphones, potentially use of a weighted vest or pressure vest, break cards and a sensory diet with scheduled breaks throughout the day.  This student may benefit from a group such as the Zones of Regulation as well.
Image result for theraband around chair legs

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