Mentorship and Coaching April 01, 2022 burnout coaching mentoring mentorship occupational therapy retention +
I'm back!!! January 06, 2021 calming corner COVID-19 education google slides occupational therapist occupational therapy school based OT teletherapy virtual calming corner +
Sensory Friendly Schools February 26, 2017 flexible seating movement breaks sensory integration sensory strategies +
Yoga/ Movement Groups in Special Education Classroom January 08, 2017 calming strategies mangaing behaviors separate setting classrooms yoga +
Virtual work samples?! Yes, Please and Thank you. July 20, 2016 documentatio education parent contact work samples +
Vacation - My current Occupation July 01, 2016 avoiding burnout balance self-care single mom vacation +
Chewy, Chewy, Chewy PENCIL?!! - When chewing at school and home becomes a problem June 20, 2016 chewelry chewing oral sensory seeking +